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Setting the PMO up in 1 week

Setting up a Project Management Office (PMO) is a complex project itself. Organizations with poor organizational project management are willing to implement PMOs only after they face serious problems like these:

Not long time ago, consulting firms included PMO services in their portfolios. They produced process maturity assessment, as-is/to-be/gap analysis, tolling selection, PMO services catalog definition, process workflows, documentation templates, training, etc. PMO function was outsourced to an external fulltime team too, staffed with over 5 consultants. This consulting approach had some issues:

Nowadays, many project managers are true organizational change makers: They use project management frameworks in predictive and agile projects and collaborative freemium tools. They focus on business value delivery at each project. Lucky organizations with these professionals on the payroll should expect more and more projects are delivered on time, on cost, with the right quality, delivering the value and the other project management goals achieved.

Many organizations, not so lucky, cannot afford waiting until organizational project management arise bottom up. They need one or more internal PMOs right now. In this fast-paced and technological world, organizations in the project economy cannot wait up to 6 months to improve project management anymore. They need progressive adaptive change: “They need to change a tire while the car is running”.

Nowadays, setting up a PMO is like “changing a tire while the car is running”.

Case Study

Let’s explain how to start a PMO inside a fictional company called ACME, a strong matrix organization mostly executing predictive projects.

The chart below represents how the 20 open projects are included inside the 4 business units, the program and the 2 portfolios:

The Problem

ACME is efficient starting projects, but there are too many crisis and scope creep during execution. Project managers do not produce regular status reports. Day to day work leave no time for planning and controlling.

The program manager has to go too deep inside the 4 projects. Far from being focused on business benefit realization, she imposes a high level of bureaucracy to the 4 project managers, already saturated with day-to-day work.

Portfolio managers demand face to face meetings with project managers as the only way to check the current project status. They complain about the blocking situation: projects in execution are not properly closed, so the portfolio initiatives in the strategic plan are not started as planned.

CEO and sales managers are very frustrated, too: they could sell more projects but there would not be enough resources to execute them.

The Solution

Hiring more project managers or team members is not seen as a good strategy since project load could decrease in the medium term. Outsourcing is also rejected as project knowledge is core business. ACME needs more projects done with the same resources.

The only possible solution seems to be to have a controlling PMO inside the Process Management Department.

The solution consists of setting up an internally staffed PMO.

In PMPeople we have a standardized process to implement a PMO in one week. All the technology can be set up in 1 week so that you can focus on the PMO function. In this short period, now is technically possible to have many people collaborating on project management, using different roles.

PMPeople stands for “people collaborating on project management”. Organizations in the Project Economy can easily go digital with PMPeople. Get your projects professionally managed by people collaborating online using different roles.


Any PMPeople user can create a new organization, becoming the Organization Owner. When PMO setup project is done, ACME CEO –or any other person with authority to fulfill monthly or annual payments– will be transferred this role.

Organization owner can update organization settings: logos, description, etc.:

Organization owner could invite the 50 team members and the 30 managers one by one. Better than that, user registration can be optimized uploading an Excel file. Users uploaded that way are registered with a predetermined password –they will change it later– and the role Team Member. In some minutes, the right roles for the 80 users can be set. The group of 100 stakeholders will be uploaded later.

In this moment, organization owner can estimate the cost after the trial period is over. In this case, for 180 users, the tool will cost 600 € a month, or 6,000 € a year. That is 3.33 euro per person per month or 33 euro per person per year.

Before loading projects, we need to create the 4 business units under their functional managers. We can create the 2 portfolios under their portfolio managers, and we can also create the program under the program manager. The portfolio manager can include the program in his portfolio. The program manager can include her program inside the portfolio, alternatively.

This is also the right moment to create the 5 resource pools under their resource managers. Each resource pool can be configured to serve resources to one or many business units. One resource pool can provide resources to many business units. The 50 team members can be included in the 5 resource pools in some minutes.

Project basic data can also be automatically uploaded from an Excel file. Next steps should only take some minutes:

What has changed today?

At the end of the day, people collaborating on ACME projects can check they are able to perform the following functions:


We advise start piloting the PMO with a project in execution analogous in complexity with the rest. In our case, we choose a pilot project inside the program. For the sake of the case study, let’s assume most of the projects in ACME are predictive and a high level of processes and compliance is needed –in agile organizations we should not model processes so much.

First things first, we start deciding several parameters for the business unit (BU) this project belongs to. In principle, these parameters affect only the projects inside this business unit, but chances are they are replicable to the other 3. The Functional Manager can set these Business Unit parameters:

Now the Project Manager (PM) can update some data in the sections for initiation and planning. Let’s start with Initiation:

Now the PM is entering the Planning data:

What has changed today?


Now is the right time to engage the most important people in any PMO activation project. That is, the Team Members. Let’s assume the pilot project has 5 team members assigned to work packages and tasks:

Team members can track working hours –also overtime– and expenses. They can submit time sheets and expense sheets and wait the PM approval.

What has changed today?

At the end of the day, people collaborating on ACME projects can check they are able to perform the following functions:


Piloting is finished with governance and control modelling. Use the pilot project to produce 2 status reports. The last status report should state the up-to-date situation as of today, if possible.

Some closure report items are updated automatically: The Project Summary shows the information on the client, scope statement, approved changes, dates, and global milestones. The Project Ledger shows the information on the financial project margin and also information on each work package—including the project summary task—with the performance data on scope, schedule, and cost. The Project Logbook shows issues and comments in chronological order. The Project Feedback shows feedbacks by stakeholders, requesters, and Sponsor, in chronological order.

What has changed today?

At the end of the day, people collaborating on ACME projects can check they are able to perform the following functions:


The last step in PMO activation project consists of expanding processes, tools, and techniques from the pilot project to the rest of the projects in the organization.

The 5 PM Assistants involved in the pilot project can now start engaging the others 14 PM. For now, it is enough if each project is managed at the project summary level. No need to break down into work packages or go down deeper baseline details. Change management would be more effective if first things are easy for everyone. We can always manage projects deeper later on, if needed.

Change management goals for each project, right now, are these:

Last, but not least, we need to collect all pending topics and elaborate a PMO roadmap for the short, medium, and long term. Facilitate the brainstorming sessions with the following lists with data objects and uses cases.

The following table summarize the main data objects at PMPeople:

The following list shows the use cases at PMPeople related to people management:

The following list shows the use cases at PMPeople related to process management:

The following list shows the use cases at PMPeople related to the business environment:

Finally, remember PMO activation project success depends greatly on the top management engagement in project governance, precisely they should be involved on the project review meetings. Otherwise, we can lose the achieved maturity level. There is an interesting psychological effect here. At PMPeople we like to talk about the “panopticon” effect on project management:

What has changed today?

At the end of the day, people collaborating on ACME projects can check they are able to perform the following functions:

Watch the video (Spanish) recording the workshop webinar performed on April 26th:

PMPeople is the tool for the project economy. It is aimed to unify professional project management by these differential points:

Start using PMPeople for free, for unlimited time and for any number of users. In premium organizations, only managers have to pay. Several roles –stakeholders, team members, sponsors and resource managers– are always free. You can increase or decrease your premium seats according to the organization actual needs. Premium organizations have access to our interactive support through Slack. Our servers are located in EU. This software can also be hosted on customer premises.

Read this article in Spanish

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