This book is mainly aimed at users of PMPeople, the tool for professional collaboration in project management:

  • Read Chapter 1 to understand why we think this tool can meet the needs for the project economy, the professional project manager, and the people who need to collaborate effectively on projects.
  • Read Chapter 2 to gain a comprehensive understanding of the tool: We describe more than 100 use cases, grouping them on professional project manager’s activity domains, according to the Project Management Institute: people, processes, and business environment. For each use case, we describe how professional roles can collaborate.
  • Read annexes to check about compliance to standards and agile methods.

In these Excel files, you can see the list of use cases, you can filter by activity domain, process group, and role:

  • Click this link to download the Excel file in Spanish.
  • Click this link to download the Excel file in English.

PMPeople users can request a free copy of the book by sending an email to