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Tag: Project collaboration tool

Business, Frequently Asked Questions, Project Economy, Training

Welcome to PMPeople University! 

PMPeople University service is available today! Any accredited organization providing courses in project management can now use PMPeople for half price. Online support for students and trainers is also included. Save money if you pay for other PM tools and provide an up-to-date learning experience practicing collaborative professional project management with PMPeople. If you are interested, please email us to with the subject: “UNIVERSITY”.

Guide, Process, Project Economy

Project Procurement in the Project Economy 

The growing specialialization in the project economy makes unusual “one project team makes all”. More and more projects are connected via procurement: A certain buyer performing project #1 outsources work package #1 to seller #1 who performs project #2, part of which is outsourced again to another seller performing project #3, etc. Control all project procurement interdependencies with PMPeople.

WordPress Theme built by Shufflehound. CAPM®, PfMP®, PgMP®, PMBOK® Guide, PMI®, PMI-ACP®, PMI-PBA®, PMI-RMP®, PMI-SP® y PMP® son marcas registradas del Project Management Institute, Inc.